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Bayonne Nursery School

Special Educational Needs

Ofsted, September 2023 - " Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are extremely well supported. They learn happily alongside their peers. Staff use every opportunity to develop children's speech, language and communication by engaging them in quality talk". 

What do Bayonne Nursery offer? 

  • Highly skilled staff that engage in quality continuous professional development throughout the year. 
  • Bucket time attention building interventions. 
  • Welcomm speech and Language group interventions delivered by a trained Early Years Educator. 
  • Weekly 'Sensory Sessions' to the Stephen Wiltshire Centre. 
  • Individual SEND support plans for the children who require them. 


Children who have a special educational need or disability may require a SEND support plan or an EHCP. Below is some information highlighting the differences between the two types of plans. 


SEND Support vs EHCP

If you would like more information on SEND support plans or EHCP's, please make an appointment with the Nursery SENCO or click here for more information. 


Language around SEND can sometimes be confusing. Please click below to access our 'Jargon Buster' for any terms you may not be familiar with! 

Jargon Buster



What is the Local Offer?

The Local Offer website - provides information on services and support in Hammersmith & Fulham for children and young people (aged 0 –25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), their families and carers. It is also a useful resource for professionals and service providers.

Why is it important?

The Local Offer gives children and young people with SEND and their families information that enables them to access services and support which best match their individual needs and personal situation.

What information is available?

There is a range of information on the Local Offer website, including:

  • processes, templates and forms to support families in securing support for their child/young person in education 
  • details of early years settings, schools and further education colleges
  • local health services and provision for social care
  • guidance and services to assist in preparing children and young people for adulthood, including pathways to employment
  • independent/supported living and what young people can access in their local community 
  • information on travel assistance and help getting around.

Special Educational Needs Policy and SEND Information Report

Our SEN Policy and Information report can be downloaded below

SEND Policy SEN Information Report 


Enquires regarding Special Educational Needs should be directed to:          Sophie Naisbitt (SENDCO):