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Bayonne Nursery School

School Meals

All children enjoy a school meal in a family setting. We have meal supervisors who assist with the lunches.

The children help to set the tables for lunch as we consider lunch-time another learning environment for the children.

The cost of the school meal and further details will be given to you just before your child begins to stay for lunch. Special dietary needs can be accommodated, so please inform the school admin staff of any requirements.  Lunches are cooked onsite by our Pantry Chef.

Lunch Menu

 The Pantry Menu - 2024- 2025

Free School Meal Entitlement

If you believe you may qualify for Free School Meals you must contact Hammersmith and Fulham Council. The school is only allowed to provide free school meals to pupils where eligibility is officially approved and informed in writing by the Local Authority.

You will be charged for lunches until we have received confirmation from Hammersmith and Fulham Council.

Apply for Free School Meals: 

Website: Telephone: 020 8753 6681 - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Milk and Fruit

A free 1/3 pint of cows’ milk is available for children to drink at nursery school. Water is provided as an alternative. Please remind your child of the importance of maintaining a high fluid intake, especially when it is hot. We will also remind them in school. Parents donate fruit to their child’s class so children can have access to fresh fruit throughout the day.


Due to the high number of food allergies our children have, we no longer share birthday cakes at school. Birthdays are still marked at gathering time; children may bring in some special fruit to share.

We are a Nut Free School.